I dedicate this series of novels “The Chosen Ones Oglala Warriors” to the welfare of the Oglala Lakota Indians and all other Indigenous Native American Indian Tribes and most especially the youthful. My goal is to bring awareness of the Oglala Lakota people and their plight and need for assistance. Any help given is not charity, but simply a repayment of a debt we owe all indigenous people in our beloved country, for giving up their homes and way of life. Our strength as a nation is in our brotherhood to all citizens and love for our God. Most of all I dedicate all my creative abilities to my God. Without Him and His gift of love, I am lost. I am truly blessed by His love.
If you would like to donate to the Lakota Indians I suggest that you donate directly to this school.
Lakota Waldorf School
Three Mile Creek Road
Kyle, SD 57752
(605) 455-2487
Copyright © 2023 Jerry Barrett, Author - All Rights Reserved.